Requirements for Shipping from UK to UAE

Do you have a business that involves shipping goods from the UK to the UAE? This entails several steps and adherence to specific requirements to ensure a smooth and compliant process. Hence, seeking help from a reliable and experienced global freight forwarder is crucial to navigating your international trade venture with ease.

Below are the guidelines you can follow:

Customs Documentation

This step involves preparing a commercial invoice detailing the goods being shipped, their value, and other relevant information. Additionally, it’s also imperative to provide a packing list that describes each item, its quantity, and weight. Depending on the mode of transportation, you must also include a bill of lading or airway bill, depending on the mode of transportation

Certificate of Origin

Obtain a certificate of origin, which confirms the country where the goods were produced. This document may be required for customs clearance.

Shipping Insurance

Consider obtaining shipping insurance to protect your goods during transit.

Compliance with Import Regulations

Check and comply with UAE’s import regulations, which may vary based on the type of goods being shipped. Some items may require special permits or certifications.

Restricted and Prohibited Items

Be aware of items that are restricted or prohibited from importation into the UAE. Certain goods, such as narcotics, weapons, and some types of technology, may face restrictions.

VAT Registration

If the value of the goods exceeds the UAE’s VAT registration threshold, you may need to register for VAT and include the necessary documentation with your shipment.

Packaging and Labeling

Ensure that your goods are properly packaged and labeled according to international shipping standards. Clearly label the packages with shipping and recipient information.

Shipping Method

Choose a suitable shipping method (air freight, sea freight, etc.) based on the nature of your goods, budget, and desired delivery time.

Customs Duties and Taxes

Be prepared to pay customs duties and taxes upon arrival in the UAE. The amount depends on the nature and value of the goods.

Working with a Dependable Freight Forwarder

Consider working with a freight forwarder who can assist in coordinating the logistics of your shipment, including customs clearance.

Electronic Customs Declarations

Some shipments may require electronic customs declarations. Ensure that you are familiar with the required electronic systems and procedures.

Tracking and Documentation Updates

Keep track of your shipment and ensure that all required documentation is updated and accurate throughout the shipping process.


International trade is always a tricky process given that several steps and legal requirements are involved. This is why working with a seasoned global freight forwarder who knows the latest regulations and handles all aspects of customs clearance is of utmost importance. 

At TFI, we make the process of shipping from the UK to the UAE a breeze. Contact us now!