Tapping into the GCC Market Seamlessly with IOR, Customs Brokerage, and 3PL
A US-based company that manufactures and distributes premium quality male grooming tools & hygiene products aimed to tap into various markets globally. It is well-established and growing rapidly in the USA, Canada, and Europe. However, it lacked a presence in the Middle East and Asian subcontinent (India).

The brand was initially contacted by Amazon and was offered an opportunity to sell its products in the GCC. To maximize its profitability and growth, the client also wanted to sell directly through its own e-Commerce website.
Given that the GCC is a fresh and unchartered territory for the brand, it lacked knowledge of the finer details of the region's import regulations and policies.
It provided incomplete trade documents and test reports were not aligned to the GCC’s regulations. Moreover, its product labels did not meet the Gulf’s standards and multiple authorities were involved; thus, further contributing to the complexity of the process.
As Amazon’s qualified third party service provider, TFI supported the brand in achieving its goal to sell and expand its business in the GCC market. Our team discussed the project with the client and reached an agreement to initially proceed with the UAE and KSA and target the other countries eventually.
Leveraging our longstanding experience in customs brokerage, we first conducted trade compliance assessments on import restrictions to ensure all the trade transactions conform to the laws and regulations of the countries involved. Then, our team thoroughly reviewed all certifications, test reports, declarations, product labels, and artworks in coordination with the certifying body to ensure they were within acceptable standards. We also supported the brand in getting all its products tested with the parameters accepted for the UAE and KSA.
Furthermore, our in-house team of customs brokers registered the goods with various authorities, such as eCosma, Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), Dubai Municipality, and Customs.
We also spearheaded the relabelling of those products in line with the local requirements. Next, we set up the client’s Tax Registration Number (TRN) while ensuring the process was aligned for TAX audit purposes.
Apart from customs brokerage, our team provided the client with bulk kitting services at our ISO-certified warehouse along with a platform to track and monitor its inventory and order flow. With real-time visibility in place, it eliminated labor-intensive paperwork, reduced errors, and simplified the brand’s supply chain management
Demonstrating our commitment to helping clients overcome their logistics challenges, we provided the brand with a one-time registration under our IoR/EoR service to eliminate overhead costs. We also pre-registered its products before launch, which helped it gain a competitive advantage and quickly reach out to its end customers and marketplace. Our combined solutions were instrumental to the brand’s cost savings and paved the way for its products' visibility in the UAE and KSA. As a result, it was able to achieve its sales targets in these regions.
After successfully foraying into the UAE and KSA, the brand is eyeing to expand to other countries in the Middle East and Asian subcontinent.
Discover how we solve our customers' challenges and help them achieve their goals
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